Friday, August 24, 2007

Update on first match

The Quad format was presenting challenges to the default templates in the ICCF webserver. CCLA proposed that we have two 2-OTB Club matches instead. This is better since it is simpler for both the TD and the OTB Clubs and players. After we get the kinks out we can always take a fresh look at match structures.

The team lineup is:
  • Punxsutawney CC vs. MetroWest CC
  • Greater Worcester CC vs. Sven Brask CC
After Labor Day, we'll get UConn and other teams online.

All Team Captains need to send in their rosters immediately via email to Jerry Honn of CCLA so he can construct the match on the ICCF websever. Team Captains also need to send in their $25 match fee ($6.25 per player) to Jerry Honn by post. Team Captains have been notified by email.

There is nothing else standing in the way of starting, beyond getting info and fees to Jerry.

CCLA will have links to crosstables online at the CCLA website (see link on the right column under "Resources"). Both players and the public will be able to follow the games live, minus 5 moves. The move delay will discourage the temptation to kibbitz. Remember, it is legal for players to use databases and books, but it is illegal to use chess playing/analysis engines, or other people to determine your moves.

I'll blog when the match starts.

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